974301 花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路二段1-17號 人社一館B214室


春天的花蕊啊!——《詩經 . 摽有梅》

春天的花蕊啊!——《詩經 . 摽有梅》
Flower Buds in the Spring--- Biao You Mei from the Book of Odes and Hymns
by Prof. Zhu Jiawen



在數九寒天的臘月時節,東華大學「詩經花園」裡六株五十年的老梅樹,吐放新蕊!遍觀通部《詩經》,最有名的梅之詩篇,就是《國風 . 召南 . 摽有梅》。

In the cold days of winter, six fifty-year-old plum trees in the "Poetry Garden" at National Dong Hwa University are now sprouting new buds! Among all the poems in the "Book of Odes and Hymns," the most famous one about plums is "Biao You Mei", which means plums dropping from the trees, from the Odes of Shao and the South in the Lessons of the States, Guan Feng - Shao Nan.




Dropping are the fruits from the plum tree;

There are seven of them left!

For the gentlemen who seek me,

This is the fortunate time!

Dropping are the fruits from the plum tree;

There are three of them left!

For the gentlemen who seek me,

Now is the time.

Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree;

In my shallow basket I have collected them.

Would the gentlemen who seek me

speak about it!


This poem uses the falling of ripe plum fruit to remind young men and women who reach their suitable age for marriage not to miss the right time to marry. In fact, during the civil war period in the late Zhou Dynasty, the most suitable time for young men and women to marry fell between the first frost and the last frost, which is when the plum blossoms bloom and fall. The book Xunzi mentioned that "the first frost is the time to welcome the bride."


Why is the period from the first frost to the last frost the most suitable time for marriage? The reason is that ancient people lived in harmony with the changes of the four seasons in nature. If a girl chooses to hold her wedding during autumn or winter, before the snow melts in the following year, it completely avoids the busy farming season. After the snow melts, everyone can join in spring planting. This consideration for family members demonstrates the virtues of being a good wife and fulfilling her domestic duties.


Moreover, people during the Zhou Dynasty emphasized the harmony between heaven and humanity, as well as the balance of yin and yang. If one could marry and conceive at the right time, the child would be born with good character and disposition, leading to "beauty in appearance and longevity in old age" (from Lunheng or Disquisition).


Regarding the poem "Biao You Mei," there is another important point to note. The author uses the blooming and falling of plum blossoms to remind us of the timing of marriage, as "mei" (plum) sounds similar to "mei" (matchmaking) in Chinese. As stated in the Book of Rites, "A man and a woman do not come together without a matchmaker." Therefore, this poem also aims to convey that in ancient times, courtship between men and women often required the intervention of a matchmaker. "Having plum blossoms" metaphorically suggests "having a matchmaker," indicating the importance people placed on betrothal and marriage.


"The Book of Odes and Hymns" is a literary textbook compiled and edited by Confucius, which comprehensively reflects the lifestyle and customs of ancient people. As long as we read more poetry and take a look at nature, we will find that the flowers, grass, and trees around us are imbued with beautiful vision of life and cultural heritage with warmth.


  地址:974301 花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路二段1-17號
人社一館 B214


總瀏覽人次 : 17867
